David Whitworth
David is an award-winning scientist and professional musician. Currently working as a geologist in Herefordshire, he is completing his PhD part-time in Carbon Capture & Storage and Reservoir Geology.
David sings regularly with the choirs of Tewkesbury Abbey and Gloucester Cathedral. As a countertenor, he is in demand across the UK for both solo and ensemble work.
PhD - Earth Sciences
2020 -
Keele University
'From Macro to Micro: An holistic characterisation of arid-marine transitional sediments, for use in CO2 storage evaluations'.
The Geological Society's President's Award, 2023
David's research encompasses sedimentological and reservoir geology characteristics of sediments deposited in coastal transition zones, and how these can be used to model future sites for geological sequestration of carbon dioxide.
Research interests include field-based sedimentology & photogrammetry, petrography of sedimentary rocks, and petrophysics for carbon storage.​
MSc - Petroleum Geoscience
2019 - 2020
Pass with Distinction
Royal Holloway, University of London
'Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) potential of salt diapirs and anticlines in the UK Sector of the Southern North Sea'.
FindAUniversity's Master's Student of the Year, 2020
AAPG Imperial Barrel Award, European semi-finalist, 2020
Halliburton-Landmark Earth Model Award, 3rd Prize, 2020
David's Master's degree included a broad grounding in reservoir geology as appropriate to the oil & gas industry, with the addition of significant training in 'new energies' such as geothermal and wind power, and in storage options such as those for CO2 and nuclear waste.​
BSc - Geology
2016 - 2019
1st Class Honours
Royal Holloway, University of London
'Geological Evolution and Mapping of the Western External Sierras, Spanish Pyrenees'.
RHUL Frank Barker Prize, 2019
RHSU Honorary Membership, 2019
Lyell Scholarship Award, 2018
David's undergraduate degree encompassed a broad spectrum of geological & scientific subjects, and culminated with an independent field mapping project in the Spanish Pyrenees.
During this time he was President of the Lyell Geoscience Society, and a Peer Guide and Mentor to younger students within the Department of Earth Sciences.​